The Eventful Life TV Series and Blog was created by event planner, creative, and mompreneur Jon’ll Boyd. The blog and tv series focuses around the journey of mompreneurs like myself and other women in business: the ups, the downs, and the truths about how we tackle business with the demands of day to day life. If you've ever asked the question "how do they do it all?" or "can you have it all?" Well, I'm hoping The Eventful Life Blog and TV series will help answer those questions for you. If you are a mom, mompreneur, woman in business or aspiring I hope this will also be a resource for you; like a old familiar friend that you always feel adds a little perspective and value on those days where you don't feel you have all the answers but are just wondering if anybody can relate. It's not only real talk, but it's real women who are not afraid to talk about the things that are typically "off limits" and more importantly discussing how to reimagine how you build business while showing up for themselves, their community and their family by implementing real change.